III, 180. Graf Berchtold an Freiherrn von Müller in Tokio, 24. August 1914

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WWI Archive > Dokumente zum Kriegsausbruch > III, 180. Graf Berchtold an Freiherrn von Müller in Tokio, 24. August 1914

Graf Berchtold an Freiherrn von Müller in Tokio[1]

Z. 67120 / 7

W i e n , den 24. August 1914
Chiffr. 10 Uhr p. m.

In consideration of Japans [sic] action towards the German Empire, our ally, I request your Excellency to demand your passports, to order our Consulates immediatly [sic] to cease their activity and to depart with the Embassies and Consulates [sic] personnel and colony to America.

Confide protection and interests of our subjects to American Ambassador.

Passports are being transmitted to Japanese Ambassador here.

  1. Vgl. Österreichisch-ungarisches Rotbuch, Nr. 69.

WWI Archive > Dokumente zum Kriegsausbruch > III, 180. Graf Berchtold an Freiherrn von Müller in Tokio, 24. August 1914