LXV Neues Palais

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Neues Palais

Dearest Nicky
Allow to me to lay before you confidentially a matter of importance to me.

It is the question of wether you would perhaps care to see a change in the person of the Aide-de-Camp, who has the honour of beeing attached to your person from here. As at our former meetings you allways spoke very highly of your appreciation of Capt. v. Hintze's qualities, and that he fully enjoyed your confidence, I do not desire to take any steps before having heard from you, or to act without your approval.

Please let me know quite unrestrainedly and frankly what you think about this matter. Should you think it desirable for me to replace Hintze, I would first communicate with you about the choice of his successor.

Your wishes in this respect are of the highest importance to me, as I consider it an absolute necessity, that the officer, who is attached by me to your person should command your fullest confidence.

I am glad to hear from the Chancellor that he is having a satisfactory exchange of views on different questions with Sassonoff,2 which may be settled to mutual satisfaction.

We are still thinking of the kind visit you paid us here and hope that the homeward journey did not fatigue Alix too much. Best love to her and the children from your

devoted cousin and friend

I. This letter was written at the end of November or the beginning of December, 1910.
2. During the visit of the Czar and Czarina in Potsdam on November 4th, 1910, the Russian Foreign Minister, Sazonoff, discussed at length with the German Chancellor a number of international questions, including that of the Bagdhad Railway, which also formed the subject of subsequent discussions.